
Our principal chiropractic neurologist has developed a manual therapy skill set that is across many manual therapy disciplines, ranging from chiropractic to physiotherapy and osteopathy.


Chiropractic adjustments may range from high-velocity, low-amplitude to gentle, low-grade joint mobilisation techniques. The differing techniques utilised depend upon the findings of your examination, metabolic status and the desired effects determined to have the greatest result.

The effectiveness of chiropractic adjustments in Sydney has increasingly become more well known, however often for reasons that are perhaps erroneously given by other practitioners. Here at The Chiro Hub, we offer an evidence-based approach with the intention to create a sound understanding for our patients of how chiropractic adjustments actually work and benefit them.


If you have been told by your current practitioner that chiropractic treatment is only to do with ‘keeping everything in line’, or ‘bones out of place’ then you may have been misinformed. An adjustment, being a high-speed, yet gentle thrust to a spine segment or joint, can restore the way your brain perceives what is going on in your body and thereby improve function through better communication.

Many techniques offered include:


Diversified technique

Diversified technique (DT) is an adjustment/manipulation technique used by the majority of the chiropractors and is the most commonly used adjustment technique. Diversified chiropractic technique is characterized by a low-amplitude, high-velocity thrust which is also seen in other chiropractic and osteopathic manipulative techniques. Diversified chiropractic technique aims to restore proper alignment and movement of the spine and joints and restore appropriate biomechanical function and also correct any subluxation. Additionally, Diversified methods have been technologically developed for adjustment of the extremity joints and it does wonders in treatment of sports as well as other type of injuries

Active release techniques (ART)

ART identifies aberrations in tissue texture, tension, and movement with incorporation of passive/active or combined movements shared between the clinician and patient in order to modulate the neuro-vascular and neuro-fascial systems to improve joint proprioception and reduce pain.

Thompson technique

Thompson Technique uses a special table with several segments called drop-pieces.  The drop pieces allow a quick, small impulse when you are adjusted. For many people this makes it more comfortable.

Cranial-sacral therapy

Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a gentle hands-on technique that uses a light touch to examine membranes and movement of the fluids in and around the central nervous system. Relieving tension in the central nervous system

Muscle energy technique (MET)

Muscle energy techniques are a class of soft tissue osteopathic (originally) manipulation methods that incorporate precisely directed and controlled, patient initiated, isometric and/or isotonic contractions, designed to improve musculoskeletal function and reduce pain. MET is a great way to prepare the body for chiropractic adjustment techniques.

Positional release technique

Positional release therapy is an extraordinary means of reducing increased muscle tone, both protective muscle spasm and the spasticity of neurologic manifestation. Correction of joint hypomobility, improvement of articular balance (which is the normal relationship between two articular surfaces throughout a full range of physiologic motion), elongation of the muscle fiber during relaxation, and increase in soft tissue flexibility secondary to reduced excessive sensory input into the central nervous system are the mechanisms behind this technique. Pain and disability may be remarkably reduced with this approach.

Strain-Counterstain technique

Strain Counterstain is a manual therapy technique, meaning clinicians use only their hands for treatment of muscle and joint pain. It uses passive body positioning of hypertonic (spasmed) muscles and dysfunctional joints toward positions of comfort or tissue ease that compress or shorten the offending muscle. The purpose of movement toward shortening is to relax aberrant reflexes that produce the muscle spasm forcing immediate reduction of muscle tone to normal levels. This allows the joint influenced by the now relaxed muscle to function optimally increasing its range of motion and easing muscle and joint pain. Strain Counterstain is an effective, but extremely gentle, technique because its action for treatment moves the patient’s body away from the painful, restricted directions of motion

Brain-Based Adjustment Techniques

Brain-based adjustments are techniques that combine manual muscle and joint therapeutics that are targeted in a way to address both feedforward and feedback neurological mechanisms that integrate patient volitional and reflexive movements that target different brain areas. These treatments are nuanced and are only offered by trained chiropractic neurologists.


1 Cranial Nerve release


Cranial nerve release techniques involve hands-on methods in localising cranial nerve exiting points through the neurofascial system. These cranial nerves originate from an area called the brainstem and many develop entrapments at specific sites that follow their neuroanatomical course towards their destination to the head, face, neck and abdomen.


2 Neurodynamic mobilisation


Neurodynamic mobilisation of the nervous system is an approach to physical treatment of pain. The treatment and or assessment relies on influencing pain physiology via the mechanical treatment of neural tissues and non-neural structures surrounding the nervous system. This mobilisation activates a range of mechanical and physiological responses in nervous tissues. eg neural sliding, pressurisation, elongation, tension and changes in intraneural microcirculation, axonal transport and nervous impulse movements.