Our principal chiropractic neurologist has developed a manual therapy skill set that is across many manual therapy disciplines, ranging from chiropractic to physiotherapy and osteopathy.
Chiropractic adjustments may range from high-velocity, low-amplitude to gentle, low-grade joint mobilisation techniques. The differing techniques utilised depend upon the findings of your examination, metabolic status and the desired effects determined to have the greatest result.
The effectiveness of chiropractic adjustments in Sydney has increasingly become more well known, however often for reasons that are perhaps erroneously given by other practitioners. Here at The Chiro Hub, we offer an evidence-based approach with the intention to create a sound understanding for our patients of how chiropractic adjustments actually work and benefit them.
If you have been told by your current practitioner that chiropractic treatment is only to do with ‘keeping everything in line’, or ‘bones out of place’ then you may have been misinformed. An adjustment, being a high-speed, yet gentle thrust to a spine segment or joint, can restore the way your brain perceives what is going on in your body and thereby improve function through better communication.