Practitioner Course – Dysautonomia Syndrome & POTS

About this course

Dysautonomia is an “invisible’ illness that is far from rare but rarely known. Every clinician, often without knowing it, has at least a handful of dysautonomia patients under their care. Dysautonomia is a term used to explain disharmony or dysregulation of how the autonomic nervous system functions, including at rest. These disorders involve a cluster of signs and symptoms that involve many organ systems including cardiac, gastrointestinal, neurological, pulmonary, genitourinary as well as others.


Dysautonomia is a disorder where all health professionals have a role in untangling such a complex web of systems. In everyday practice, the average primary care physician aims to spend less than 15 minutes for most initial and follow up consultations, yet the undiagnosed patient with dysautonomia has a large array of multi-organ problems that are largely heterogeneous.


Over the past 2 years since the COVID pandemic, we have seen an explosion of POTS cases that unfortunately have been diagnosed as having anxiety-related disorders, migraine, IBS and even those that fall under the umbrella of functional neurological disorders. The fact is all POTS patients present differently with their unique co-existing “physiologic signatures” which needs to be taken in consideration if a treatment plan is going to have a positive effect.


In the 3 webinars we dive into the world of dysautonomia, especially as it relates to POTS so that I can provide you with the tools to adequately assess and manage this altered physiological state of the body.

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Dysautonomia Syndrome Full Course Bundle: All Three Lessons with full course notes and research articles list

Dysautonomia Syndrome Lesson One

Dysautonomia Syndrome Lesson Two

Dysautonomia Syndrome Lesson Three